Ah... Here we have the wonderful visions of the back of Luke's head (grin), Danny being friendly and James, shrugging off the world. -Danny's 19th Birthday At Disneyland. 1999?-
Robert, James and Danny (same party, different smell.) Aren't they.. Scary?
Ah.. April 1998... A time of Sea Sickness for my Dad. (He does look a little green doesn't he?) and Father Daughter outings...
(Dad and I.. obviously..)
Graduation 1998.. Mine.. These were taken shortly after I shed my white (Shudder) Grad robes and gratefully returned to my black.. Okay.. grr...I look 'really' fat in these.. It was when Luke and I were affianced.. -ah... young love...- The picatures were taken by Ellie.. (WAHA.. She rules doesn't she?)
Ah... Joy with short hair.. '97 I do beleive.. My Dad looks more like himself in teh cruise picture (now) and My mom.. looks.. a weeeeeeeeeeeeee bit older.. but not much.. hehe.. And Danny wears a beard now (Seen in the pictures on 'his' page..)
Weeeeeeeeeeeeee That's it from here! More soon!