................. I hate you Chris..... ~sighs and posts up more images of her, on request/demand..~

Okay. The top IMages? I took the same day.. Rather, My 'Dad' Took them of me.. Gothic.. Aren't I? -before- Liam.. lol in highschool/first few dropout days of college.. 1999/2000 ish...

Didn't I mention 'I' Looked stoned? I wasn't.. I do not 'do' drugs.. or drink.. but don't I LOOK Stoned?! ~sweat drops.. moves on~

Flirty? Fan Fun? Don't know.. don't ask... 97.. ish..

These three pictures.. are a collection my Mom's older sister (Aunt) Sue took of me while she was out here .. 2? years ago? She says I look like a Dryiad or a Nymph.. me? I'm not so sure.. I mean.. I'm wearing combat boots! LOL but she say sI look cool in them.. so blah.. Look Auntea! I put em up!

Mew-Chu, herself, the horror.. the camara crack.. ;)