Angels; The Living

Chapter 1


"Jim!" I screamed, hopping from foot to foot, waving my arms wildly at the distant figure through the crowd. I blinked looking over my shoulder at a muttered comment. I stopped bouncing to lean over into my companions face. "What was that Mister?" I shot my hazels right into his green grays.

"I said..." The voice was a deep harmonious baritone, and the face connected to the body was strong boned and honed carefully. "That if you kept bouncing like that, someone was going to mistake you for a Teenybopper." I blinked thrice and smacked him lightly on the head for the comment.

"I am twenty-two, not twelve, as any blind man could see..." I huffed and forced myself not to bounce, merely shift from foot to foot. I was shorter then my partner by a good foot, the big lug, and he matched his size with brains. I scowled some at that thought, at least I could draw better then him, some consolation prize.

"Cara..." His voice broke through my thoughts again was he waved a large hand toward Jim. Jim, tall, thin with muscles, long (when did he have long?,) brown, tinted red hair. Jim; the Italian hotty. "Hey bro." My partner reached out, grasped his hand and pulled him into the 'manly' version of a hug.

I shifted a few more times in impatience. Jim simply glanced at me from over my partners shoulder. His lips curled into the patented 'oh I did miss you' smirk. "I see Cara hasn't changed a bit, eh Lucian?" His voice was a light merry tenor. Lucian's answer was drowned out in the new wave of crowd.

That was the one draw back in meeting in a mall. I smiled, and shrugged my shoulders helplessly at Jim, before moving off to one side. "As I was trying to say earlier..." Lucian brushed a hand through his 'just' past the shoulders light brown hair. The edges of his locks were tinted dark burgundy, from his first, and last attempt at dying it. "It's good to see you."

"It's good to be home." Jim shrugged and caressed my cheek in apology, there was no more room for over enthusiastic hugs in the middle of the crowded southern California mall. "I Missed you both." God he was gorgeous, the question was, acting? or no?

"I missed having an extra set of hands to pull Cara out of the fire." Lucian smirked and cuffed my chin lightly with a lightly closed fist. "She's a handful and a half without you around to keep her in line." I pulled my lips deeper into a frown. "Your face will stick that way." He snickered, wrapping a protective arm around my shoulders.

I merely huffed and patiently accepted the over protectiveness that was Lucian. Two years ago, when we had been engaged, this behavior pissed me off, now I just accepted it as 'Lucian'. "Meanwhile." I stick out my tongue at Jim. "You gotta come see my new house."

"Your parent's new house." Corrected Lucian, only to double over as all the wind was literally knocked out of his sails. I smiled sweetly, removing my elbow from his rib cage.

"As I was saying..." I grinned lightly at Jim who grabbed me up into a huge hug and started assaulting my sides with deft fingers. I blinked, this was no easy feat. The surprised faded with the reaction that always came with tickling the right spots...

Helpless laughter. I was only released from my punishment with the warning look of a passing mall cop. "Get a badge." I heard Jim mutter under his breath as he grinned at Lucian.

"Boys." I said helplessly before being swooped up in Lucian's arms and carried out to the parking lot for more torture. I was a nice molted shade of various reds and pinks. Not from lack of air, but because I had honestly forgotten what it was like to have both men around. That and we had gathered a nice size crowd of merry onlookers and curious children.

"Kids" an old man said, sending me back into peals of helpless laughter. This time, I wasn't alone as half the crowd joined me. Really, it was my own fault. I had gotten off my rear and gotten into shape, and so had Lucian. So, unlike the old days, when they could only do so much to man handle me, they could do it a lot worse now.

I grinned from my spot on the ground. Lucian looked over to Jim, then to the crowd. "Now what?" The answer was immediate. Three cops with the look of 'now what' themselves. I scampered to my feet, did a curtsy.

"Sorry Folks, we gotta bolt, have a good day!" With two handfuls of shoulder length hair from either of my men, I dragged em away. The cops followed for a bit as we made for the cars, then turned around and went on their merry way. I let their hair drop then, and only then.

I heaved a sigh of relief before hearing a 'screech'. I turned to see Lucian giving me an innocent look. Someone's paint job just got screwed by a wayward wallet chain. I shook my head grinning again. My mouth hurt with all these smiles. Ah well, I suppose it'll do me good, and a jog would do them good. I skipped a bit, then bolted 'carefully' between two rows of cars, keeping a wary eye out for moving vehicles.

I froze in mid step, breathing heavily, and cursing every other breath. The boys skidded to a stop about 10 feet ahead of me. "Damn... Longer... legged.." I panted, looking up from my doubled over, hands on knees, position. Jim whistled playfully and Lucian out right cat called. "...Men..." I finished my small rant with a grin. Chestnut, dipped here and there with my own various dying, of a crimson nature, locks fell into my eyes with years of long patience.

"Move"The voice, which was somewhat soft, and hard to hear, spoke from above? I blinked once and gathered my wits. The desision was quick, better to move and ask questions later. I dove between two other cars as the two I had been between moments before slid into each other with a 'fender bender' that should of been a scrape, was leaving the front seats in the back. I blinked after looking over my shoulder.

"Damn." I scrambled to my feet, and bolted after the boys. It was like two giant hands were squashing the cars together, and unfortunately for me they were getting quicker. I pushed myself harder blasting the speed. Jim and Lucian weren't watching, they were moving, toward the black motorcycle and equally black sports car. "Damn." I shoved more air down my lungs, shoving myself into a small ball and 'out'.

I blinked, finding myself half away across the parking lot, at the end of my opening eyes. I blinked again and rubbed my eyes. "What the hell?" I forced my breathing to calm down. The voice's presence was still there, hovering over my head, only when I looked, there wasn't anything there. "May I add in, what the hell?"

'I am still here.' The voice was male, that was clear, and soft, like a velvety purr. 'I am always here, even if you can't feel me.' I blinked a couple of times, looking around. Now, I could 'hear' the voice, only it wasn't outloud.

"Yay! I'mma going nuts." I nodded my head briskly, after the horrible imitation of an Italian accent, and waved down the motorcycle and '84 firebird. That would be Lucian on the '74 Mantis (the cycle), and the firebird should be Jim. Yep, I was good, I slid behind Lucian, shaking my head to stop his questions. He took the point. With the firebird trailing, we took off through the parking lot of the mall and toward the freeway.

While we were driving, I slid on the black helmet with my carefully painted on alicorn's, with their wings outstretched mid-flap. Lucian's helmet was also black, with eagles in mid flight. They had been a pain and a half to draw, and even more to paint, but they looked great. I carefully, more so then usual, clung to the back of the large bike. I hated riding it, more realistically, I hated not *driving* it.

Soon enough we were coming down Mission to my house. We, my parents, kid brother and I, lived on a hill, a very large hill. And that was the hardest part on the trip. I could of swore I was going to fall off, with those damn curves. With a turn onto the 'Old Ranch Road' we parked on the street. I slid off quickly, glancing over my shoulder at Jim. He looked shook up.

Boy, with that look, I suddenly felt my knees weaken and collapse. Lucian caught me neatly with one arm as he kicked the kickstand down. "Thanks." I whispered, my throat was dry, I realized dully.

"You okay?" Jim had joined us quickly enough with me almost falling on my rear again. "You look really white, even under that tan." He took me gently from Lucian's arms. He was our pride and joy, an official, soon to be working again, Emergency Medical Tech.

I leaned lightly on him and nodded. "I'm fine, just got to realizing what just happened."

"Almost happened." Lucian corrected under his breath. He flanked us as we moved to the house. He visibly shook himself as we moved out onto the patio. No one was home, but that meant the patio was free. The benches, padded still with the summer cushions, were a welcome sight. "Now, mind telling us, how you pulled the vanishing act?"

"Don't know..." I shrugged my shoulders helplessly, looking toward the beautiful red hued sky. I loved the sunset, probably because it was the only one I was awake for. "I heard someone..."

"Duncan?" Interrupted Jim as he settled across from me. His body was taunt, like at any moment something else 'magical' would happen. Unfortunately for us, this wasn't anything new, if a bit... desperate. Usually it was driver-less cars in parking lots.

"No, I've never heard him before." I glanced to my left and at Lucian, who was oddly silent. "Anyway, after he 'poofed' me, he said he would always be there, even if I couldn't feel him." I arched a brow, glancing back to Lucian who sucked in his breath sharply. "I take it this is something I should be remembering'?"

"No... Just thinking." Lucian shrugged his broad shoulders, his black leather trench falling with the movement. Yes, that was jealousy at the pit of my stomach, I wanted that coat!!! I shook my head to clear it of the green eyed monster.

We fell silent, the cool breeze that always came from the west cooling us down in the late fall heat. I half closed my eyes, trusting our guardians, and the boys, with my safety. I wished I could remember my past lives, besides the bits and pieces I would get. Bits and pieces...

I didn't blink as the ankle length full skirt I was wearing shifted and tugged into the strengthening breeze. I half smiled though, we looked so gothic, all in black. I shifted restlessly, something was wrong, I should be doing something, remembering something.

I huffed and cracked open an eye. The sky was blood red. "Umm..." I leaned around the post and tugged on Lucian's trench sleeve. I crinkled my nose, the air smelled like my rose bushes, snippets of Lucian's own, and something tangy. Familiar. "Lucian!" I hissed softly tugging harder.

He didn't move from his still, eyes closed position. I tugged harder, sure I was going to tug him right off the bench any minute. Still nothing, I glanced over to Jim. He sat with his back against the post, across from me. Hair blowing in the wind. Blue jeans, daffy duck tee shirt... I arched a brow, his brown eyes were closed as well.

I stood slowly from the bench, stretching my 'sixth sense' for our guardian angels and spirits. Nothing, not a tug or a pull, not even from my spirit ward. "Okay... Calm down... this doesn't necessarily mean that the world's going' to blow up..." I forced myself to breathing softly, half closing my eyes to gain my composure. There was something about this, not deja vu, but something familiar...

§§§§§§§§§§§The Past- about 4000 years ago§§§§§§§§§§§

The air was still, deathly so, hanging heavily in the moist air. A castle-city built out of a mountain with seamless walls stood against green hills. Four towers spiraled out of the castle gates with one in the middle. They called it Lareath, the Mage City. Roses climbed the pearly white walls in deep red shades of blossoms.

Outside the gates not far from the castle-city, was the small town, Green Hills, encamping an army. A holy army, with a single god, and the natural world behind them. Two generals, some said angels, sat counsel, they did not attack the castle, but settled there, in what was considered 'peaceful warfare.' They helped the townspeople, sharing and adapting to each others beliefs. The soldiers intermarried with the townspeople, and from the surrounding areas.

Then I was inside, the room held four tables, at either side of the room. Three to a table, mages, numbering twelve. I knew we weren't 'good' either. Not by the look of the servants, nor the peasantry. Somehow, we didn't care either. "They need to be killed, we're loosing people daily." I slammed my fists down. "They killed my twin for god sakes!"

"Your twin was spying, she knew the risks..." Calm, level headed, Malea, leader of our band. His blood line had lead the Lareath Council for generations. He lead with his mate, the healer Alistra. I scowled, shoving myself back into the seat.

The second in command, Jalisen, who had a spectacular crush on me, rose next to Malea. Brothers, they were, tall, dark and handsome. To bad they had the personality's of rocks. "I agree, this threat needs to be taken care of. The people are starting to think they deserve to be like us." His voice was flat, his tan fingers clutching the edges of the table.

I leaned back in my chair. Next to me was my twin's apprentice, there was no love shared between us. No, nor did many of the council like me. It suited me fine, I was powerful, they were scared. I flicked my gaze toward the door. I was a lie, a simple honest to goodness lie, and they knew it. I fingered my jaw and listened to the talk switch around the table. I was a wild card. I wanted power, and I knew how to get it. The smirk that tugged on the edges of my lips never got farther.

I stood from my chair, the chair legs scraping loudly, against the wood planking. "Talk will get us no where friends. I propose action." I motioned my hand with a flick of the wrist, encompassing the higher members of our 'court'. "We have the power, we have the means, and by the gods, we have the reason."

"You speak wildly for someone who has yet to test her own strengths against the enemy." The voice was haughty, almost smirking the body joined the voice from the shadows. My once-friend, Malea's mate, Alistra. With crimson locks spilling past her waist, fiery emerald orbs and a body even I would of killed for.

"I tend to know when I'm out numbered Alistra." I shrugged, stepping sideways. "You have not seat on the council for decades, Lady." I kept every trace of betrayal, scorn and hatred from my voice. This was business. "The world, and our people, have changed."

"I am not the one who will not feed her servants." She smirked, arms lacing across her waist as she took her place at the head of the table. North, next to Malea, Jalisen and the DreamWeaver.

I slid my body against the wall. My actions spoke for me. By leaving the table mid-council I wasn't agreeing. "Very well...I shall go myself to their encampment. If I bring back the head of one of their so-called leaders... Well, we will know who should lead the council then." Malea's head shot up, daggers in his eyes. I smiled and waved a hand, vanishing in front of their noses, around the barriers erected for the council meeting.

"Damn Fools." I slammed my fist into the wall. I was moving swiftly in the cumbersome emerald skirts of my adopted house. Adopted, I wasn't 'breed' like them. I licked my cracked skin, liquid fire slid from the wound, dripping onto my skirt. Blood, red blood, much like the people, my people.

"Mistress?" A voice, soft and scared spoke from the shadows. I didn't' bother to turn. A small boy-child crouched there, he was dressed in muted greens, he was also barefoot. He had long brown curls, tinted with crimson, like mine at that age. And the biggest, saddest sky blue orbs of our line.

"Yes Uri?" The nick name slid from my lips without thought. 'My light' I called him, for he was my light in every sense of the word. I sucked on the scratches on my knuckles. Salt mixed with some unidentifiable taste that made it my own met my tongue.

"The council didn't listen?" He crept to my side, falling into step with my own hurried paces. "They will not take your oath?" Three steps to my own. How odd it was, not to be leaving this forsaken place, without Circe.

"They wouldn't even discuss it. Circe was killed." I lowered my gaze, tears pricked my lashes, but they would do me know good, only ill should someone see them. "They are action less."

"I feel your loss Mother." Uri stopped me instantly with two tiny fists wrapping around my leg. I glanced around hurriedly, then dropped to my knees to hug him.

"Uri, my heart fire, you must not speak that in public, if someone had heard..."

"Someone Did." The words were cold, uttered dispassionately pressed from velvety lips. "So, you do have a child."

I was frozen, my body refused to respond, years, years we had. He was only 8! I stood slowly, turning to look at my accuser. "The child is merely confusing me for another." But Uri betrayed me again by clinging tighter in his fear.

"Don't lie to me Riasen..." Soft footsteps moved closer, the shadows releasing her. Alistra, with her crimson robes, declaring her a healer, a mage, and a dangerous foe. She had me, like a cat playing with the mouse. I slid my body in between her and Uri. "Oh, how cute, and you would ascend my mate as head of the council, when you break our laws without fail? You and Circe should of never been let live. Magi and Human's don't mix."

I forced my shoulders back and chin to remain firm. "Circe, rest in peace, was nothing like me. She was better then me. A Thousand times better then you. In mage craft, and love, as Malea will say on an honest Day." I plastered a smirk on my face, even as the bolt of pure magic came flying at me.

The shield was up and out before it hit. "Leave Alistra, or this hallway will be your grave." Time slid to a freezing halt. I blinked, gently prying Uri off my legs. "Who's there?"

"No one of importance lady." The voice was soft. A figure of a man stepped into the hallway. "Merely a being who has taken an interest in you." He was more then beautiful. I had never meet a 'god' before, but I was sure if there was such a thing, he was it.

"Who?" I blinked, realizing what I had just thought. God. I fell to my knees, bending my head. "My lord, I hadn't thought I was important enough to be watched over by a being such as yourself."

I glanced up, why was this being of glory shedding tears? Then I realized, time was 'back in' and I was away from Uri. "URI!" I spun around, there was no way, in a kneeling position, I could get to my son in time. The mage bolt slammed into his little body, so young...

"URI!!!" I screamed, his pain spread like fire through my body. I couldn't do anything, merely watch him literally crumble to dust. "Uri..." I whispered, tears streaming down my cheeks in a poor parody of the God lord who had visited me.

Alistra smirked, twisting her hands in the air. "A shame, that bolt was meant for you." If she had noticed I was not where I had been, she didn't show it. My twin, my son, my parents... All by magi hands. What good was all the power I had gathered, learned, all these years. I couldn't save any of them. My parents... Killed by the council, my father, the magi loved my mother, the herb woman of the village. When me and my twin were only 6...

"No." I stood, numb, there was nothing now, my son had been my life. I shook my head, dark locks spilling into my eyes. "No." I placed my hands in front of me, glowing soft gold in the light. "You killed them."

"Riasen, to strike me will be your death. Your guiltless now, your blemish is gone, that wart you called a son." Alistra hissed, backing up, preparing to teleport. "Stop this foolishness and go to your rooms. The council will call on you in the morning for your Trial."

As quickly as it had come, the numbness left, and I bowed my head. "Of course Lady Alistra..." I turned on my heel, starting down the hall, I let the only tear I could afford now fall from my eye. The familiar hallway, twisted into the hallway leading downstairs. I could do nothing for my son. I could do nothing for my twin.

I could do something for myself. I could stay alive. "This is the end..." I whispered, pressing my fingers along the wall. The stones slid back on soundless hinges, allowing me entry into my secret rooms. Once they had been my fathers, then my twin and I... Now it was mine.

§§§§§§§§§§§The Present§§§§§§§§§§§

I shook my head. My cheeks were wet with the tears shed at remembering. Weeping would do no one any good, Uri had been dead and cursed for hundreds of years. Maybe even more. Cursed? I arched a brow, sometimes it felt like I was a zillion other people all crammed inside of one body.

Golden light pooled the patio. A figure stepped from the light. Long hair, light brown, curled around his shoulders. Deep soulful blue gray eyes stared at me a long moment. He was tall, but short at the same time. Like he was almost constantly changing. I double blinked. This is exactly what happened to Riasen. "God..." I whispered, awed at the sight of the being I had worshipped since I was six.

"Longer then that Daughter." The man moved slowly forward. I took it as a good sign he wasn't crying. "Far longer then that..." His fingers were pleasantly warm, like a warm shower on a cool day. "Daughter of my spirit, it will be time enough for acting."

"Father, I do not understand... Appearing to me like this..." I couldn't stop the feeling of 'crazy' that crept through the awe. To my discredit, bowing was the last thing on my mind. Nope! I was up and in his arms in a warm embrace with in five seconds of speaking. Riasen's grief echoed through the past to slam into my soul.

He held me a long moment, his fingers brushed through my hair. He smelled like all the pleasant things of my childhood. Fresh baked cookies, the smell of entering your home when you've been gone for a while, flowers of a zillion different smells. "Daughter you must not fret. The past is done and over. The present remains to be acted upon, and the future created on your actions."

"I don't want to save the world, Daddy." I felt like a little girl protesting going into the water. "I don't know how." I felt lost. Big world, little Cara, and it was getting bigger daily. His embrace tightened as if he sensed my distress. Then again, he is god, so he could.

"You have my loyal servants, you have your heart and your mind. You have your friends, your family and your son." I blinked looking up at him. "That's right Daughter, your 'Teddy' is Uri. He has always been." He cupped my chin, blue orbs burning into my own. He could see everything, everything I had done, good or bad. My cheeks burned, with embarrassment, shame and most of all, pride. Pride that he took his precious time to 'care' about me. Something not many people did.

He nodded once and kissed my forehead. "You are strong my daughter. Stronger then even you feel at the best times. Saving the world is not exactly 'saving' it. You must direct however." He let his fingers slid down my cheek. "There are those who will oppose you. Trust in your protectors. Trust in your sisters and brothers. And Most of All, Trust yourself." He smiled, with one last kiss where my 'third eye' should be, he with drew. He never 'moved' par say, he just sort of drifted backwards.

"Dad!" I fell forward as time 'clicked' in. Lucian and Jim looked stunned, I had the feeling they had their own personal encounter. I just sat there, letting my tears dry on my cheeks. My forehead burned where his lips had pressed twice against my flesh.

I closed my eyes, wishing that this was all some funky nightmare. Of course, there was always the idea I might be nuts... The screeching of tires snapped me out of my funk quick enough. I glanced over to Lucian, who was rubbing his shoulders like they were sore. I arched a brow and he nodded, moving quickly into a standing, then running position. He was out the front door before I had even gotten to my feet.

"They are gone." I felt 'right' in saying that. 'They' being my parents. They had gone to the place were everyone else who wanted to be reborn when Paradise rolled around. I half smiled, to bad no one bothered to tell them it was going to be a bitch to do. No one ever thought to mention that.

"I know." Jim wrapped his arm around my waist. I felt his sorrow swing across and slam into me like a sledge hammer. His parents and family were, for the most part, still 'here'. He tilted his head smiling down at me. "What's that?" A finger tapped my forehead.

I yelped jumping backward. "That hurt!" I rubbed it gently. "What did you do?"

"Nothing!" He held up his hands defensively. "I didn't do anything!"

"GUYS!" Lucian called from the street. "I need some help!" Jim and I exchanged a look, then we both bolted out of the house and onto the street, where a nightmare awaited us. I don't think anyone really thought about what would happen if a lot of people, not all of them were 'Christian' either. A lot of other people just went and poofed.

Cars were twisted around telephone poles. The house on the corner of the busy street, which happened to have a curve, already had a good four cars piled into it. Children cried for their parents, parents cried for their children. A sense of 'lost' echoed the minds of most. Some people just wandered around dazed.

Lucian was pulling a small boy out of the wreckage. Jim ran to help a woman who was stumbling out of a truck. Luckily nothing had caught fire. I snagged a few of the older parents and set them on helping pull people out of the cars. It was like that all around the city, I knew, and the bad thing would be when people started 'reappearing'. Oh the things some people lost over time, the things that always conveniently forgot to say 'how bad things were going to get'.

Chapter 2


§§§§§§§§§§§ The Past §§§§§§§§§§§

I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling, forcing it to become what it was not. Circe, my twin sister, had fallen in love with an angel, but his superiors wouldn't have it. She was mortal, she was a witch, and she was a spy. He killed her. Tall, strong, dark eyes, dark hair, beautiful. He called her in his office, this Angel, and killed her without a blink.

This angel... He only shed a tear after doing it, then sent for her lover to take her away. It was quick, painless really, a lot better then burning. I shifted on the bed, facing the wall. He was so beautiful, poetry in motion, a sight to behold. He had also killed her twin.

The spot were Uri curled next to her was an indent in the grass mattress. I flipped on my other side, staring into the darkness. This is were she slept as a child, as a young adult, then when ever she came to the city. Circe, who taught her to be strong, how to have fun. Tears slipped unbidden out of the corners of my eyes.

I was alone in this bed. Alone and afraid. If I stayed, the council would kill me. If I left any council would kill me. The church would kill me. I sat up in bed, pulling on my clothes. There was a chance, it would deny my waiting for the one who was Uri's father. The dream man who had came to me in the night, giving me our son. But it had to be done. I had to survive. I had too...

I crept from our bedroom, past the specter in the 'real' bed and out into the hall. My magic held the specter, who looked exactly as I, breathing and 'asleep.' No one would know I was in the other rooms. I didn't bother to curse or even hiss as my bare toes stepped on cold stone. Moving as quietly as possible I made my way to Jalisen's rooms.

By giving him what he had always wanted I could persuade him into letting me live. Letting me get revenge on him and the others. I ignored the 'wrong' feeling in my gut. I was probably feeling guilty for the dream man, but nine years was long enough. I slowly changed my long night shirt for some more alluring cloth as I moved.

I slid around a corner, and opened Jalisen's rooms with a touch. He was reading by the fire, the light reflected in his hair, turning it almost as red as her own. I couldn't help the twinge of regret as I moved closer to him. My fingers slid across his throat, caressing as lovingly as I could. I ignored the urge to run, run far far away.

"You finally came..." Jalisen turned raising his face to me, the light reflecting so it looked like he was half masked, half flesh. Monster, I wanted to scream, claw out his eyes and run. But I kept my peace smiling softly in the firelight.

"Of course, who could deny thee?" I slid my fingers into his, helping him rise form the chair and move toward the bed. 'Lord.' I prayed silently as we slid onto the bed. Already his fingers felt like hot pokers against my flesh. 'Please do not give me a child with this coupling, I don't want to bear his offspring.'

I winced as he jammed a elbow into my gut, but smiled when he glanced in his hurry. I rolled my eyes when he looked away and slid deeper into the bed. My life, for this coupling, suddenly the odds were tipping to the 'run' side.

The door burst open just as Jalisen was about to start. I sat up quickly, cursing my luck. The man who stood there was the same one who had killed my sister. I dove out of the bed as the man dove in. The man and Jalisen, who was still surprised, began struggling.

"You whore! I should of known you would try to kill me!" He screamed as the dagger plunged into his gut. I stared, at Jalisen's still, but bleeding body and at his killer. Rage flooded my brain, my senses.

"You killed him!" I screeched, slamming into his back with only my fists. The man was startled as we were tossed back into the bed. He had almost been out of it. Jalisen wasn't dead, I realized as the man held my wrists to the ceiling. I was going to die, but at least the bastard who killed Circe was going to join me.

He screamed an inhuman scream as Jalisen's last magic bolt slammed home. The same sort of bolt that killed Uri. The man dropped me as he doubled over around his wound. I fell back against the floor. Wings, a multitude of feathers erupted from his back, showering the bed. Blood also spilled out with the outburst. The man panted, weak, he was very weak.

I could kill him, I realized, with one simple blow. His eyes burned into my heart with his pain. He thought I was the one who stabbed him with magic. Me! The rage was gone, leaving my limbs weak, I crawled closer to him. He flinched away, still glaring at me, then he blinked, paling as I moved into the firelight.

He whispered my twin's name, before falling forward and off the bed. His wings, bloodied and dark colored twisted around him protectively almost. So many had died... I pulled myself closer, clothes materializing from the very air. My flesh covered in smooth black silk, something we pulled from the future, pressed close to him, carefully moving him.

He was so familiar, but I had only seen him in my espy crystal... I looked up, Jalisen was dead now. His chest didn't stir with his breathing. Which means Malea would be in here in a few moments. I looked back to the angel. Could this angel be one of the God lord's servants?

A small hand pressed against my cheek. I tossed a wild look to the area it had come from. Nothing was there. I flicked to mage sight, sure enough, there was... URI! "Uri!" I cried, the ache to hold my son was so great.

'Ma, please, please help this angel. He is part human now, this is his burden.' Uri's voice sounded strangely mature. I nodded slowly and gathered the magic around me like a cloak. A thick cloak, one that would keep out the cold, that would transport us to the tent I saw in my espying.

'I love you Mommy... I will always be with you.' Uri slid next to me. I wrapped my arms protectively around the Angel was Malea stormed into the room. Just a little longer... a little longer....

Malea screamed in outrage finding his brother slain. Then he whirled on me, shaking with anger. His eyes froze me in place. His presence had always been powerful, with the lost of Jalisen he was a thousand times more powerful. "You!" He spat out, breaking the gaze for a moment when his mate rushed in, sky clad, her flesh sparkling with sweat.

It was the moment I needed to get us away. I tossed a mage bolt, not at all powerful, but enough to distract, and transported us to the Angel's tent. As the darkness claimed my senses, I could hear Uri's whispers. 'I love you Mommy, please don't die...'

§§§§§§§§§§§ The Present §§§§§§§§§§§

I shoved open the front door with a shove and a twist of the handle. On one hip I cradled a child who said she was four, but held up five fingers. Her knees, palms and chin were scraped, but otherwise she was pretty much unharmed. Unfortunately, her mother had not 'poofed' with her father and had perished as their SUV had been wrapped neatly around a pole.

Her big brother, at 7, and a few other children trailed behind me. The most wondrous thing was all the surviving children had barely any injuries. I winced, the surviving... It was so cold. I lead the group of children into the family room. Lucian and Jim were still outside, helping people with injuries that weren't serious enough to be rushed to the already over crowded hospitals.

I settled the children, having two twelve year olds set over to watch them, and the big screen TV. It did pay to have parents... I flinched, moving into the kitchen, and setting out Kool-Aid, some cookies, apple slices and cheese wedges. Things I had liked as a child. The kids were quiet as they watched Aladdin, as if the familiar characters were their one link to the reality that they had known. I smiled slightly whispering "Dead sea Tupperware. tibith.. Still good." I was only 20 for goodness sakes... So much for that degree.

I half smiled as I moved back into the living room. The door bell rang as I opened the door once more. More children, ranging from 18 to a few weeks old. I smiled warmly and lead them in without a word. No one was ready to talk, merely mourn. The house was large, so I wasn't to worried, by this evening family would either be located or a bed in the house would be.

"Cara." I turned as the door opened on it's own. Looking haggard and worn, Jim moved past the doorway, pausing as he took in the scene. Old favorite Disney movies played in the background, a buzz. Some children had even started playing with my old dolls.

I smiled softly moving to his side and enveloping him into a warm hug. "Cara..." He whispered hugging me closer. I blinked as I felt warm water slide down my neck. He was crying... My heart leapt as I pulled him closer. I wanted to cry with him, I wanted to tell him it would be alright.

It would of been a lie. We both knew that, so I stayed silent and strong, keeping him close to my heart and body. When he pulled away I didn't pull him back. He wiped his eyes and nodded, looking around the house. "I am going to check in with my family, the telephones are down and I need to know."

"Be careful." I smiled my best smile at him. I wanted to tell him so many things, all of which were stopped at the throat. They had gathered into a large lump, forcing me to hiccup. I smiled sheepishly and waved him on. "Go on ya Pirate. Hurry back, bring your Grams and Sister if you can. It's probably safer on this hill then in your old neighborhood."

He nodded once before opening the door and shutting it softly behind him. I took a breath and glanced at the clock. It had only been three hours since the Rapture. I smiled slightly to myself and shook my head. "Glory be, all the good and bad little boys and girls left for the final battle leaving all us werido 'middle' people behind to pick up after their mess." I muttered as I glanced around. Some of the older 'grandparent' types had volunteered with some parents to help watch the kids.

It was time for the dreaded head count. I moved from room to room taking names from siblings, from the little ones, from Drivers licenses Lucian and Jim had left with the children. I half smirked at the thought of the police looking through clothes with no bodies in them. Another thing the bible and it's affiliates left out. No clothes came with them to heaven.

The list was long, because after the children went the 'encampment' of injured outside the door. Lucian and Jim had organized it before taking off to find their families. I knew were mine were. In stasis somewhere hidden and safe. I smiled halfway and gathered the notebook of names. So many names. When people knew who had vanished, who had died, those went in as well. So many names, so many faces filled with pain...

When the police finally came to our neighborhood, they found a pleasant surprise. The tents of injured were neat, clean and efficient. I had all the names of the people who vanished with in 15 blocks around us, as well as the vehicles driving through. I yawned, glancing up to the sky, it had to be at least ten o'clock. The moon was no where to be seen.

"Well madam, rightly glad you had these names." The cop, Sergeant Deputy Harper, smiled a toothy grin. "And the brains to put up this encampment. I'll see if I can get the Capt'n to speed up the judge on the properties around these parts. I'm sure ya'll will be able to use some of the unoccupied houses. Kinda stupid not to let ya when you did such a great job with this here center."

"Thank you Officer Harper, I wish this hadn't happened." I smiled a bit at him, motioning a hand. "Feel free to point the other officers on the force with anyone with injuries or no where else to go over here. There's no point not using what we got going."

"Madam, your rightly a good example of what we need right now." He smiled another toothy smile and moved off around the premises to make sure I didn't miss anyone. He did skip the children, who had curled up with blankets in twos and threes inside.

I heaved a sigh of relief. Right before a taller girl slammed full force into me. She was screaming in my ear and hugging me close. "Cara! Cara! Cara! Your still here! I was sure he'd take you with the others!" She had a death grip on my throat as she clung on me. I was on the ground, barely missing one of the middle aged women resting in the tent about 3 inches from my nose.

"Domi!" I screamed over her babbling. She was crying, large wonderful tears. I hugged her close. "Calm down. Deep breaths." I kept her close as she started to calm down. Her hair was three shades lighter then my own, tinted more red as well. Where my eyes were muddy brown and yellow-green, her's were bright green pools with flecks of brown. She was also taller and more slender then myself.

"I saw the encampment... I couldn't believe it at first." She was almost calm, the edge of hysteria creeping out of her voice. "I was so worried about you with everything happening." She loosed her death grip on my body, for which I was instantly grateful. As the blood rushed back into my limbs she straightened up. "Who else is here?"

"Lucian and Jim, I saw earlier, everyone else is just now startin' to trickle in." I smiled lightly to her. "No worries, before you know it we will be drowning in people we never knew were friends."

"That's what I'm afraid of." Dominique grinned wildly and hugged me again. "I was scared, Sis, but now that I'm sure my voice of reason and her Community is still here, I'm cool."

"Good." I lightly shoved her. Motioning around the camp I grinned wide. "We got so much work to do!" She blanched at the thought of all the people gathered, then shrugged and nodded. "That's my Sis. Hop two!" I shoved her lightly and she grinned, bounding into the crowd to her group of friends.

I nodded, I knew that she wouldn't of left the friends from her trailer park there alone. That was a rough neighbor hood. Her tall, wrestler like boyfriend was there too. There was her dad and mom... I shook my head, while it would be nice to have my mom and pop, they were safe. The dull ache that I was slowly becoming accustomed too resounded underneath my breastbone.

"I got the Joy Joy Joy Joy down at the train station... I got the Joy Joy Joy Joy down at the train station." Male voices chanted and stomped, their noise met my ears long before their forms met my eyes. I blushed bright and ran out into the street.

"Hey beautiful." Strong features, tall, calculatingly smart. Val, his name and face slipped through my like energy. He was one of my best friends. His once long light brown hair was cropped around the ears, giving him a severe look. He grinned and patted my head like an older brother.

"Hey Joy." The old nickname, from an old friend, Samuel. He had been a missionary for the first two years out of high school. Last I had heard he was still there. Like Val, he had strong hawk like features and cunning eyes. Where Val was tall, about 6'3, and had brown eyes, Samuel had green hazel and was only 5'10, a bit smaller then the others. He however, was also a good year and a half up on them, and the unofficial leader.

"Hey armrest." The deep voice teased as he planted a kiss on my cheek. Mathias, and his little brother Dare, who like my own, had surpassed him in height. Both were tall, Mathias' had two shades lighter red then his flaming brother. Mathias as my age, and Dare my younger brother. Both had light colored eyes that shifted with their moods.

I smiled brightly, looking over at the rest. Those four were the closest, the others were mere faces and names. I was connected to all of them in a way they would never understand. But in this new surprise i couldn't keep faces and names straight.

"I can't believe it.." I smiled brightly hugging all of them, and getting hugs, light thwaps on the shoulders and kisses from the brave ones. Men, all of them, from various groups.

"I brought some slackers from college. I heard there was an encampment, then to find out our little Cara was the leader of the pack? I was in shock!" Val grinned as Mathias' twirled me in the air.

"Yeah well, you boys weren't around to lend a leadership hand. 'sides I had Lucian and Jim." I grinned at Val, after my light landing. Most of them were Christian. "I supposed you all got visitation rights?"

"If you mean offered to go with the heavenly father or stay here and bail you out..." Samuel smirked and waved a hand in the air. He was all bones and muscle. "I for one, decided to stay, the good father left it up to us."

"All of us" Dare grinned and propped his arm on my head. I hated being 5'4... I smiled and waved a hand in the air, ducking out form under him. I spun on my heel and bent in a bow.

"Then by all means gentlemen, let me show you exactly what your up against." My straightened, and called my power. It was like hundreds of years had not past since I was sealed. The magic flowed forth, from me, from the air, from the ground, from the people. The sky burst into light, all centered in a sphere above my head. It swung on the adrenaline that always came with using magic.

They all stepped back as I closed my eyes and 'let go'. Once, Jalisen, reborn of course, told me it was like jumping of a cliff. It was like free falling, but not moving. Like everything suddenly dropped, leaving you suspended in the air then 'pop'. When I reopened my eyes I was standing on the roof. I grinned like the Cheshire cat from Alice in wonderland.

"Well now." I crouched lightly, there was no fear in falling, if I did, I could always recall the power and 'pop' somewhere else. "You are working against Mages. We are very old, very powerful and very cornered." I lifted my chin glancing over the crowd. The injured, I'm happy to say, were cured completely. Such is magic, it is powerful, it is costly and it was a rush.

Their eyes rested on me, on my words their ears were turned. "The world you know has been reality, until the point were we lost the trappings of our power." I stretched my fingers to tap the tiles. "We can create monsters, we can reveal angels, we can heal, and we can kill. We are not gods. I picked up a piece of broken tile and sliced my palm, letting the crimson drops drip onto the clay roof tile. "We Bleed."

"Everyone here has that power in them. Magi used to have rules, hundreds and hundreds of years ago. When we were bound, we mixed blood. Some people have 'sensed' things for years, decades. These people were powerful enough to reach past the 'veil' and grasp onto the magic. Now you can do the same."

"Who are you?" A voice shouted from the crowd, Echoes of the same question drifted up.

"I am Caroline Lillian-Joy Davis, once known as Riasen De'Crystallis. I was on the council of Landreath." I stood, recalling the robes we wore for formal occasions. The ones I wore simply 'changed' into the robes. Complete with crescent, half and full moons on the edges of the wide sleeves, the tight bodice and full skirt edges.

The crowd broke into whispers. "People! I am as human as you. I am no demon and I fight for the 'light' side. I make mistakes, and so will they." I felt panic rise from my stomach to my throat.

A flash of light and beside me stood my twin... My twin! I choked, this time it was my turn to death grip Dominique. For years I had suspected, but now... Now I knew! I felt tears trickle down my cheeks as she spoke up.

"Listen you lazy bastards! We know the way the enemy works! Hell! we were the 'Bad Guys'. We were the things that went bump in the night! Now, unless you want to go into a few zillion years of 'darkness' I suggest ya Listen the FUCK up!" She shook her fist at them. "My twin knows what she's talken about!"

"My Country men! lend me your ears!" this time it was Val, who was below us, who spoke up. "I'm Christian! I stayed behind because I had a choice! We all did!" He pointed a finger toward the crowd, barely visible from below us. "You remember the people who came to you when time was 'frozen'? Well wake up! This is no dream and neither were they!"

Val paused, letting that sink in before saying what was supposed to happen now. As if to emphasis his words, the ground shook with a mighty 'shove'. I fell to my rear on the roof, Domi landed next to me with a thud. "OUCH!" I screamed as I reopened the wound I had self inflicted.

I shoved myself to my feet, glancing down. the shaking had left us all on our rears. Tents had been shaken down and the children had all fled outside to us 'adults.' I stood up. "Look, we all, in one way, either by disbelieving what we saw, the want for adventure, the chance to use magic we knew we had... But we all CHOOSE to be here!" I crossed my arms scanning over the crowd.

I double blinked, the crowd had doubled in size... This was getting' interesting. "I can stand up here all bloody NIGHT and talk to you. You all heard or saw the sunset. You all felt the earthquake. Shits going to hit the fan. And God and Devil alike are fighting' upstairs. Which means 'this' plane is open for the taking."

I took a breath and plunged on, there were people, who had called me crazy to my face before this happened, they listened now. Old crushes, lovers, people who shunned me just because I was slightly 'over weight'. It didn't matter now, I was someone who knew what was going on, alot more then they could say.

"Now, you can throw out the bibles, the books of wiccan magick, and any other book. They don't apply now. Everyone *here* has a job to do. I can't do something's non-magic users can do! For one, I'm obviously not fit to wear anything heaver then a short sword."

"Swords? What's this medieval times?" Chimed up a woman's voice from the back. I fixed my gaze on the speaker. I double blinked, she was a friend.. or had been once a long time ago. Her crew looked a mix between skaters, surfers, college boys and Hot-Rod'ers.

"A demon can stop a bullet. A Vampire, if you have been keeping up on your science fiction and 'Buffy' isn't going to get stunned by a little bullet slamming' anywhere on him. Sure it'll stun him, but then ya better run. The same goes for werewolves, ghosts and angels."

"What about people like you?" Another one of her crew asked. I smiled slightly.

"Look Hun, I am not going to stand here and tell you a bullet wont' get me. You catch me on an off moment, or five of you come after me, odds are you'll get me. If I stay like this." I shrugged my shoulders. "Same goes for anything that shape shifts. We can shift right on out. At least with a sword you know when that sucker looses it's head, there's a damn good chance he's not going to be coming back for more."

A few people were nodding their heads. Then a few more, i guess some people were the science fiction nuts, others role players and still others the Final Fantasy nuts. I grinned lightly down at them. "And quite frankly, if anyone of you think you can do a better job leading this motley crew, you go for it."

I raised a hand to stop the outburst. "But you got to take a good look around you. All these people depend on a leader they can trust, depend on and most of all, keep their asses in the frying pan and not in the fire. I said I was human, I make mistakes. But I don't plan on doing this alone."

The voices that had started were quiet. "I want people to go find people that know how to do similar things. You know how to repair plumbing? How about a Roof? I have no clue on how to do those things, or electrical, or how to fix a car." I nodded to my ex friends group. I gained a few more people's approval. "I do no how to work the system. I can teach the people who have the same gifts in magic I do. What I can't teach My twin, and some of my friends can."

I took a breath, this was the hard part. "Now, I for one have been reincarnated for a long long time. I know a few people who have as well, who don't know it yet, or want to admit it. That's fine and good. Some people out there haven't lived once. This isn't some cult, no one can tell you if you had or hadn't. I'm not God, I'm not a goddess and I sure as hell don't want to tell you your a good cook when your expertise is in construction!"

"If you've dreamed about a Castle city built, usually out of mountain faces, desert hills or waterfalls, odds are you were near a council city. The City's were time spanned for a very long time! That doesn't mean you were there. You could be a newer soul. One who got sent down from heaven's gate recently. Don't ignore your dreams, if you hear voices listen to them. If they are telling you to come and kill someone, specially me!, don't listen!"

That joke cracked a few smiles, and even some laughter. "But if they are talking to you, saying a polite hello, those are either people who are 'astral projecting' meaning they are people with souls and bodies. Or Ghosts who are trapped on this plane for a zillion and one different reasons. Come Tell Me or your Field Commander. You have a gift."

I proceed to give a basic outline of all the signs of having gifts then turned the 'stage' over to Domi who started ordering people into different houses to bunk up for the night. We had, in the end, almost a city full of people cramped up into houses.

I stretched slowly, leaning on Domi with a heavy sigh. "I am so sore, they have no idea what it's like to cast without any prep time." She grinned and patted my head lightly. From the time we had started our little 'listen up, this is your new life' speech, our crowd had doubled four times. Some of the people had gone back to their surrounding cities to repeat the spiel. Some had merely gone back to get things, pile them in their cars and come back.

"I made sure your house was kept clear. The guy's got William's old room and the family room. William, I'm sure you'll be glad to hear, showed up with about twenty college friends. So they may end up spilling into the living room and dining' room. But most went back to spread the word on campus and get stuff." She canted her head to her man and grinned. "I got the kids all farmed out but for a handful who are camped out in the master bedroom. You get your own room, being as your the 'leader' and if Lucian and Jimbo ever show up they get to camp with the rest of the men."

I grinned at her and nodded. "Mick," her man, "and I took up residence as one of the 'head' people for the five bedroom next door. So we got our own room and a whole bunch of teens and kids to look after." She smiled and petted my head. "I'm glad you stayed Cara. This would be hell without you."

"yeah yeah..." I lightly shoved her toward Mick. "Go on you... I know you wanta go get laid. Take the stress out." She grinned at me, waved and jogged to Mick. He wrapped his arm protectively around her shoulders and guided her off. I yawned and looked around. The tent encampment was built on my lawn. Some people were still setting up the tents as I crept back into the house.

I flicked on the lights to my room. Two figures sat back to back on my bed. I arched a brow, my hands glowing as I gathered power for small mage bolts. Not enough to dust, but enough to stun. Lucian blinked sleepily and looked over at me. Jim was only a second behind.

"You should be more careful" Lucian yawned and stretched, standing slowly off my bed. "Someone unfriendly could of been in here."

"I know, but you try explaining everything to a crowd who wanted a zillion answers and only got a handful." I smiled halfway and yawned again. My cheeks warmed though, he was right, I had been careless. The power drained back into the air.

"Good enough." Jim swept me in his arms and carried me to the bed. He dumped me unceremoniously onto the black satin comforter. "We're your protector's so we're staying in here." I blinked sitting up, I had almost drifted off to sleep.

"You can't! Ma..." I sputtered, almost forgetting mom wasn't in the room next to me. I could of sworn I heard her voice saying 'Cara! It's just not proper for a young lady to have men in her room.'

"Your Mother isn't here.." Lucian brushed a lock of hair away from my eyes and pressed me gently back into the bed. "Now get some sleep... You have a long day ahead of you."

I could only yawn once more. No more protesting, they had protected me from myself, and everyone else. I trusted them with my life and Domi's life. It was good to have friends. I snuggled deeper, clutching my teddy bear in my arms. Very good...To have... I never completed the thought as I drifted into an exhausted sleep.


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