
Interlude- What has begun In Time

"Welcome, to my shope. I am glad you came for the second part. Did you like the first? Good Good. I am glad you tell the truth. Did you know all the characters are fiction based on the Authors friends personality? Yes, yes, I know you knew that. Just checking." says a old man peering out from a cluttered book shelf. His eyes are covered by dusty hook rim glasses. His big nose supports them from falling off.

"You know that I knew her? Yes, Yes. Old friends we were." as he talks you are reminded of Yoda, from Stars Wars. "We wrote for a bit. She claims she has no idea HOW she wrote this. I think it be modesty, yes. You seem like a nice person. Let me give you some interesting facts." He seems to be a old old man, about a hundred fifty. You smile at your own joke and nod. Why not? What's he going to tell you?

" Did you know that Merlin is still alive? Hai Hai, he died. But Time has it's Loop holes and Lies... When you read this Book, remember that nothing is as it seems. For Time isn't the only thing that lies..." The old man smiles and nods his head to a strange beat coming though the walls, as he hands you a book. This book.

"Now my young one listen to this song, then good luck."

Though Out time.

There is One

One who holds the power of Time

One who holds the power of Love.

Daughter of the Children.

Son of Merlin

No one is faithful like the Children.

No one shall save Harpea.

No one will survive.

No one will Die.


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