Dreams Waking

By Cj Wood


Chapter 1

The nights always found me contemplating life. This eve was no different in that at least. Everything else was new and bright. I leaned my five foot four frame against the cool metal of my cousin's trailer. She had left it to me after the birth of her triplets, having no use for it anymore. My smile was as cool as the metal my flesh pressed against.

I was no beauty queen, but I was the size of a healthy girl, who saw a bit to many couches, and not enough gyms. That of course, was slowly changing, as I had packed up my things and moved out of my parents house. I was the bright, and innocent age of twenty-two. I chewed absently on a stray lock of mousy brown hair and glanced over at my partner.

Really he was my protector, angel and lover, but lets not qualm over details. It was really, rather frightening how, after six years of friendship and two years of fling, we were still so close. And alike, in most every fashion. I chuckled as I stretched. I was in jeans, belted tightly around my slightly round stomach and a tee shirt, tied to show my ribcage; should a bone or two actually show, that was undecided.

The mobile home, was literally a house on wheels, composing of a bedroom, a kitchen, a small family type room and the drivers cab. I had redesigned it in our colors inside. Hunter green had replaced the peeling flower wallpaper, and black leather had retaken over the main bits of furniture. Where it had begun to smell distinctly mold and rotten, it now was the pleasant mix of well loved leather and roses.

I smiled again, warmly as my partner brushed his fingers along my cheek, before he hooked a foot on the steps and heaved himself into the moble home. I blushed, silencing the ever present butterflies in my stomach. I followed his leather jacketed self in after a moment, glancing over my shoulder at the full moon. This would be the last evening we had alone, soon it would be all or nothing.

"Babe..."I purred, sliding into his lap. He had perched himself onto one of the chairs in the family room. He rolled his eyes, he knew instinctfully I wanted a favor. I grinned and kissed his nose lightly. He gently shoved me out of his lap and scowled.

"Don't babe me... Whatever it is you want, you can't have it."He stood, brushing past me. I grinned wider. God he knew me ever to well. The best part of having a soul mate, was that he would always know when to give in, and when to hold firm. He snagged a coke with his long fingers, then tossed one to me. "But."His lips tugged into a rouge like smirk.

"But?"I murmured softly, eyes slightly downcast, and for added effect, I even slid out my lower lip slightly. "I wasn't going to ask for much... Only.."He was quick, at my side in a moment to press a finger against my lips.

"Shush. I saw the look you were giving me earlier..."His smirk widened as he leaned slowly down to kiss my forehead. "But it's still no, You know we can't take on more people, it's going to be tough enough to get this load down to Colorado."His brown eyes searched my golden hazels as he pulled away, sipping his coke.

"He needs our help."I stated flatly, loosing the act, it was a shame though, we often didn't get to play. I flopped dully back into the chair, throwing a leg over the chair arm. "You know it as well as I do."I set the still closed can of coke on the small table, dangerously crowded with books.

"And You know that if we brought home another Stray, Kai would have our heads in a rack."He crossed his arms, a finger tapping absently on the can. "Besides where would be put him? With the children?"He shook his head. "We can't save them all..."

"Damnit."I all but shouted at him. I hated it when he was right. "Damnit."I muttered, one hand reaching up to rub my temples in slow soft circles. He sighed softly and sipped his soda, letting me think. "How about..."

"No Caro, we are not going to go through this again."His brown locks blocked some of his face from my view. I could tell he felt the same as I, trapped, knowing we were just one force. "Damn it woman, you know I agree with you, but one of us has to be strong on this. Your safety is more important then one more."

"Fuck you, I can take care of myself."I scowled, biting my nail absently. They would never grow out at this rate, damn bad habits.

"When?"He said without really thinking about the old response, his eyes drifting out toward the desert landscape. "You know you can't even lift a finger to hurt anyone."

I just scowled, looking at his back, watching his shoulders rise and fall with every soft intake of breath. Then the exhale. I couldn't be mad, I knew he was right, but he was the only one who understood. I smiled a bit then and stood, moving to his side and wrapping my arms around his waist. Resting my cheek against the dark leather of his 'baby' black leather jacket, just inhaling his smell, wrapping his emotions around me like a safe shroud.

I didn't know how I would do this without him. I would fall apart to pieces. "I'm sorry.. I know your right..."I whispered into his jacket, closing my eyes slowly just listening to him breathe, feeling his fight to control his anger. Not at me, but at the situation. He hated saying no to me, and I knew it.

The next instant, I found myself on my rump and my partner clutching his 9mm hand gun. I blinked, looking up startled at him. I knew better then to ask what was going on, and darted low to the master bedroom. We had boarded up the windows and sealed them. It was as dark as a tomb.

I waited, counting slowly, snatching my daggers. While I wasn't the best hunter, I could hold my own if I had too. I just didn't like killing, not one bit. I slid one out of the long roll of sheaths. They were flat pieces of metal, sharpened to a hair thin point. I pulled my lips into a thin line, creeping slowly out from behind the door.

My partners six foot even form, stood lithe and ready with a panthers grace over a man. I narrowed my eyes, flicking to second sight. You see.. I was a mage, and I could tell emotions, auras and the like. I wasn't as good as my twin, but I was still pretty good. I blinked twice, no aura? no emotions? what the..? I looked up at My partner, he knew I was there, I could feel his tension, not see it.

He was a hunter, a killer and he was pissed. Whoever this man was, he was someone my partner knew. I straightened, flipping the dagger idly in my hand, no fear as I flipped the blade, catching the handle part with deft ease. So I couldn't kill anyone, I still could stop 'em damn fast.

I blinked, in a second the stranger had knocked my partner down, something flashed in the light. I growled ferally and sent my dagger flying through the air. Smacking into his wrist, he dropped whatever flashed and whirled to look at me. I narrowed my eyes, dropping low on instinct as something smacked into the door behind me.

My partner was up in a moment, taking the stranger down with deft ease. The man was dead before he could take another breath. I panted, struggling to control my blood lust, and his. There were bad times to our bond, and this was one of them. I strove to shove mine as far down as I could, knowing it would help him. Then moved closer, two daggers already prepped to throw if the man should, by some miracle, move again.

"Who the hell?"I stood a slightly safe distance away from my partner. I didn't want to make him think I was the enemy. Don't get me wrong, I trusted him with my life, the life of my little sister-twin Laurali, Kai, her mate Calhoun, but I didn't want to press my luck. He motioned me closer, with that, I joined him at his side.

I blinked, there had been quite a scuffle, the outside topsoil was a mess, scattered around like some small hurricane had blown through. I looked my love over. He had one small scratch on his forearm, but nothing to major. "You okay?"I asked without real purpose. Even if he was hurt, which he wasn't, he wouldn't of told me anyway.

"Yep."His voice was flat as he kicked the man before him. "You shouldn't of come out." He was angry at me. Crap. "I could of took him easily."

"Bullshit. he almost had you."I slid my fingers along his waist, hazel orbs flickering up at him.

"Only because you distracted me." He was worried, he flicked his wrist, my dagger appearing in his fingertips. "What did I tell you? Stay back when I'm fighting. Until your magic is unlocked, you're in need of protection. Hell, knowing you, you'll need me even after that."I sighed softly and buried my head in his chest. "It's all right..."He whispered, brushing his fingers through my long locks. "He was just one of the soulless..."

I sighed softly, it was a good thing Kai and Calhoun were forbidding me to go on any more trips. This was the third attack in four nights. "I know..."I glanced at the floor, a needle, I screamed and clutched to my partner's strong arms. The needle... God help anyone but my love who was in my way.

"Shut up... Hush.. It's okay... It's all right... I'm here..."His fingers caressed through my hair, pulling me away from the body and the injection needle. I kept my face buried. I would think about the possibilities for that needle, but the fact of it's existence scared me to hell and back without any help.

My partner set me on the bed, then went to the bathroom for a cold washcloth. He brushed it along my cheeks, then kissed them. I took a shaky breath, the terror slowly subsiding. It was odd, just the mere sight of anything needle like would send me into fits of sheer terror.

"Stay here.. I'll take care of mister busybody..."The needle was unvoiced, that would be kept for him to study in his workshop. He stood slowly, the lithe grace of his movements showing plainly his worry for my welfare. I nodded slowly, watching him slip out the door.

I listened dully as he dragged the body outside, yet another faceless victim. I shivered, burying my head into a pillow, fighting down the bile and dinner. It never went away, when ever he or I would kill, I would always get sick. Unfortunate for a fledgling leader... I took deep breaths, shoving my stomach back into it's place. Footsteps. Heavy, not the light tread of my love. I shot out of bed and rolled.

Lucky me, the pillow was now feathers, blown apart by a well aimed claymore. I screeched, sending an emotional arrow of terror to my partner, then diving out of the way of the incoming sword. "Holy fucken shit!"I screeched, my fingers fumbling around a dagger, the light was horrible in here. He had a lot better chance then me for getting me with that sword, then I did with a little dagger. I was trapped.

A hero, my partner, framed by the door, light streaming around him. I would of rolled my eyes, but the guy with the claymore was ignoring my Partner. Then, I saw it, another shot needle. The fear, the dread, the outright terror grabbed me, flinging me like a rag doll into a rage.

Didn't I pray that god would help anyone in my way? Adrenaline flooded my veins, making me lighting incarnate as I dodged and spun on my toes, spin kicking the guy to the ground, The dagger was slicing across his throat, blood spattering everywhere, before I even knew I had moved. I slid off his body, whipping the blood coldly on his shirt.

My partner grabbed my arms and held me close to his chest. I fought him at first, the man might of been dead, but in my heart he was alive, a threat and needed to be chopped into little pieces before that danger would leave. My partner held me tightly, ignoring the pulled punches. Even in the blood rage, I couldn't hurt him.

"Caro. Damnit. Calm the hell down. The guy is dead. Deader then dead. Damned if you didn't take his head off!"My partners voice invaded the haze, shoving it away. I shook like a leaf in a tornado. I would of fallen to my knees, only he supported me.

"No, let me go! He's still a threat!"My voice shook, wrapping my fingers around his blood spattered jacket.

"I know love.. I know..."My partner held me close, then lifted me up and carried me to the bed, setting me down carefully. "I'm radioing Kai and Calhoun. This is getting stupid, they didn't want to just kill you." He wouldn't pretend I was a child, he told me how it was. I shook my head, standing slowly.

"I'm all right."I shoved iron into my veins and carefully bent down to pick up the evil needle. My partner snagged it from my fingers. "Thanks."I whispered, smiling weakly at him. He shook his head and chuckled.

"At least I got to kill something..."He leaned down and brushed his lips carefully across mine. "I'll take care of the body. You call up Kai. Tell her the attackers got dead before they could squeal."He bent down and hefted the body into his arms.

He was right too, the body's head was almost sliced off his neck. I shivered, moving carefully though the blood soaked family room to the cab, snagging the cell phone off the cradle. I hit speed dial 1 and waited, tapping lightly the steering wheel. I heard my partner slam the door close and lock it tightly after he took out the body. The ringing continued.

"Pick Up Damnit."I muttered, sitting back in my chair, fingers tapping harder. I looked up and slipped into the passenger chair, so my partner could start the car.

"Moshi Moshi, Yoshi's Sushi's Stand."The cheerful voice spilled over the earpeice after a good ten rings. "Can I take your order?"The feminine voice was unmistakable

"God Damnit Laurali!"I couldn't help but grin, low and behold, it was my twin. "Is Kai or Calhoun there? We got shit."I settled back, the scenery slowly picking up speed as the 'home speed up, slowly, through the suburban town.

"Nope, they are in that hole of a workshop."Laurali's voice switched, sounding more serious. "What's up? Another attack?"

"They had needles Laurel."I flipped to her nickname. "They weren't coming' to kill me. I think we got a mole."I flipped the cell phone into the cradle, hooking up the head piece, so I could have my hands free. "Get the group gathered, everyone we don't know intimately, need to be checked."

"Will do, Should I get the kids moved to the safe houses?"

"That shouldn't be necessary. If we need to, it will wait 'till we get there."

"The Dragon okay?"I could almost hear her grin over the phone. "You two didn't get.. interrupted? Did you?"

"Fuck you!"I screeched, giggling, Laurali always knew how to cheer me up. "Yeah, Draco's cool. He took out two of em tonight, I got the other one in a blood rage."

"Eewww.. You need to control that.."

"Phish. Don't I know it..."I leaned back in the chair, sketching the three men we killed in a note book, with descriptions of weapons, clothes, and anything I could remember. "Do me a favor, recall the other transports. Until we know who the mole is, we need our people to be safe."

"Will do. Be careful... We need you..."I smiled at her soft words.

"I don't plan on dying on you anytime soon Sis. Take care."

"You too..."She hung up. I flicked the phone off. I cradled it in my palm a moment, looking at my partner. His jaw was set, and that little nerve on one side of his temple twitched. He was still angry. "Draco..." I shifted in my chair. "Want me to drive?" It was pointless to ask him to talk to me, until he was calm and we were safe, he was going to be angry, tense and just a little blood lusty.

"No." His voice was flat, something was flickering in his eyes. I took it as a sign from God to shut up, and sit back in the chair. I forced my breathing to slow from it's frantic, almost panting and looked out the window. It wasn't even close to daybreak. Hell, it must only be midnight, but it felt so much later.

His voice broke me from my thinking a few minutes later. "Caro," He turned off on the highway into a campsite. "We need to clean up the House." I glanced side long at him, he was serious, I took a deep breath and slowly eased out of the chair. I was so sore, I don't think I had moved a muscle since I settled down to call the base.

I stretched my hands over my head, then ducked to step out of the cab, moving into the family room. I glanced around and muttered, Laurel was going to kill me. There was blood splattered everywhere. I snagged a rag from the kitchen sink , got on my hands and knees, and started scrubbing at the tiles.

I was quiet, if only because I didn't know what to say. I could feel his fear and worry from here. It was only worse since I echoed it whole heartedly. "Woman." I looked up, he was kneeling in my way, his fingers clasped in his lap, or at least, if he had been sitting, where it would of been.

"Yeah?" I sat back on my heels, looking up at him.

"I'm sorry." He brushed a finger along my cheek, then stood, moving back into the bedroom. I arched a brow, looking after him. Then I shrugged and went back to cleaning, he would tell me what he meant.. Or I'd pry it out of him with a crow bar. I glanced at the clock. Three am, on the button. I grinned and glanced over my shoulder to the bedroom.

I got to my feet, moving carefully around pieces of furniture to the Cab. I flicked on the radio switch and blasted Matchbox 20's Three Am. I could hear him laughing from the back bedroom. I smiled and went back to cleaning; some things weren't so bad. As long as you had someone to share them with.

Chapter 2

I stretched my hands over my head, yawning wide, the trailer was parked just outside of the city limits. I glanced to the drivers seat. Draco must of left to get the last delivery. I whimpered softly as I pulled my poor sore muscles out of the seat. Who ever said fighting was fun was wrong. Wrong wrong wrong...

I pulled open the sliding door, blocking the cab from the family room. My eyes widened, it was like I hadn't cleaned up. Blood was everywhere, splattered on the walls, the sofa, everywhere. "What the hell?" I shoved my first reaction of horror and fear for Draco down. I dropped to my knees, looking about with narrowed eyes.

Whatever did this was either dead, or wounded, in either case, better safe then sorry. I crept forward, careful not to wipe out on the blood. The blood was in crimson pools. Part of my mind whispered that this was just a horror scene from Evil Dead 5..."Draco?" I hissed softly, pulling into the kitchen/dining area. I never once thought he might be in trouble.

The door leading out swung easily on it's one hinge. It was practically ripped off. The wind outside howled, and the sky was dark with storm clouds. The grass and dirt swirled with the wind, blowing grit into my eyes. I looked away, back inside to the bloody mess, then forced my eyes to take a closer look outside.

"Draco?" I pulled up along the door looking out. Crimson stained the ground in footprints, as well as drag marks. I growled under my breath, bolting back to the cab. I snagged the phone off the hook, my fingers shook as I hit speed dial. We were only a few hours away from home.

"Yo." A deep voice came through on the other line.

"Calhoun!" I forced my voice not to shake. "We got major problems. I was asleep, there's blood everywhere.."

"Calm Down Caro..." I could hear Calhoun whisper something to someone. Probably Kai by the sudden change in voices, and the whoosh of air as it was passed hands.

"Caro? What happened!?" It was female, harder then Laurali's.

"I was asleep, looks like there was a fight..."

"We're coming, where are you?"

"Outside of the city."

"Stay there, I'm coming." The phone died, and I sat back in the chair. My heart was pounding with resounding thuds. I forced myself to stop shaking and go back out into the family room. I had work to do.

I closed my eyes, extending my senses, the normal fear of tapping into my magic clicked in. I shivered, the wind now sliding around my form. 'Rain' the soft chills whispered. 'blood. Cold.' The wind's soft voice started to go shrill. 'Pain. Fear.'

I extended my fingers toward the wind. I could feel my hair rise from my shoulders. The wind tugged and pulled, urging my body to join my mind in the sacred bond. 'Come. Pain.' The wind pulled, tugging on my body. I remained firm in my place.

"Heart" I whispered, my words stolen on the fury of the wind. "Where?"

'Gone. Gone.' The wind swirled dropping my hair, my fingers, the emotions. It left as quickly as it came. I found myself on my knees, sweat dripping down my face.

"I can't wait until my magic's unlocked." I grumbled, wiping my forehead. That used to be an easy spell. I was kind of surprised it had worked that well. I let my anger seep into my fear then shoved both away. They wouldn't do me any good at this point.

I summoned the last of my courage and with half a heart, moved into the bedroom. My fingers slid along the door handle. Twisting to the right and pushing it open, I saw my worst fears.

Draco was tied to the bed, his eyes were closed. Four men stood over him, and by the looks of it, six more lay dead around the room. I looked around for a weapon, anything would do... To late.

One of the men whirled around to face me, his face was empty of anything remotely emotional. He was just another sheep. "Get away from him!" I grabbed a book and threw it at the men. Books, luckily for me, can still hit targets. I bolted then, back through the hallway into the kitchen then out.

I found myself following the footsteps. Draco must of done this too, to get them away from me. I scowled, didn't he realize I can take care of myself? Spoke to soon... I skidded and fell into a patch of mud. The wind swirled around my form as I looked up to three sets of combat boots. "Hell."

"Well.. well.. The mouse didn't get away.." A large hand grabbed a huge hunk of my hair and lifted me up off the ground. I now found new reasons to hate being short. My feet dangled a good foot of the ground. Where he held me by the hair stung with sharp pricks.

"You want to see a mouse?" I squirmed, kicking at him with my bare feet. "I'll show you a mouse!" I slammed a fist into his wrist, breaking his hold on my hair. I hit the ground running, slamming into another guy. Dude! these guys drank a lot of milk- by the bus load even!-they were huge! at least 6'5.

Then I saw it. Needles... They had.. needles. I screamed the blood curdling, 'get the hell outta my way' scream. I slammed a fist into the one I bumped into, slamming him to the ground. Don't get me wrong.. I was all for playing hero.. But these fucknuts had Needles.

The wind kicked up, sending locks of chestnut into my eyes. I was in a panic, and it was getting harder and harder to control. I round housed another one and bolted back toward the trailer. One on one sounded much better then one on three. I screamed as a needle hit into my shoulder, through cloth. I stumbled, but kept running. The world was getting fuzzy.

"Screw this!" I found my voice saying... I blinked, feeling suddenly like a passenger in my own body as it whirled around to face my attackers. "Die!" The wind slammed into them. And with the wind went broken glass from the trailer. The men screamed in horror. I growled, whatever was helping me was strong, and I needed that strength.

I found a sword hilt in my clasped hands. It was like an unicorns spiraling horn, with two blades around my fists. The blade it's self was shimmering silver fire as it sliced one of the men in half. I crouched, the sword between me and the two remaining men.

'Behind you!' A voice screamed in my head, I whirled and decapitated the fourth man that had been left behind. With a spin on my toes, I took out the other two, blood splattering over my body, in my hair. The wind howled and screamed through the crypt of trees surrounding the place were we had stopped.

I panted for breath, as quickly as the sword had appeared, it had vanished, as did the strength. I shoved myself away from the bodies, stumbling backwards toward the trailer. "Draco?" I cried fearfully as I stumbled up the steps. I was fighting the spinning. Whatever that needle had was starting to kick in. "Damnit! Draco Answer me!" I crawled on hands and knees to the  bedroom doorway. On the bed, there was nothing. No sign he had even been there.

With a cry I fell into the threatening darkness. My shoulder throbbing with me through the dark pit. I felt like I was dropping, spinning out of control. Then nothing, just darkness, the kind only a drugged sleep can give you.

The first thing I saw when I woke up was a pale, drawn face. I tried to smile, but everything, and I mean, everything, hurt. Even my hair hurt. "Hi." I croaked, my voice sounding horse even to my ears. I tried to turn my head to look around the room, but when I tried, it felt like a hundred pounds and I quickly gave up the effort.

The face had... green? eyes. I blinked, trying to focus. "Welcome back to the land of the living..." The voice was hard, angry.. "Now do you mind telling me what 'Stay Put' Means?!"

"Umm..." I tried to grin impishly, and ended up with shot of pain. "Run and make sure your partners okay? Then off the people hurting him?" I twitched my fingers closer to my palm. Everything felt twenty times heavier then it should. "What happened?"

"When me and Calhoun got here, you were laid out on the floor. Cops were swarming the place. Hell, they only let you go because it was obvious you were attacked." Kai's fingers slid across my temple. Where she touched a soothing healing spread slowly through my veins.

"Draco?" I slowly sat up, rubbing my temples with slow pluses of motion. When Kai didn't respond right away I knew something was wrong. "He's gone... Isn't he?"

"I couldn't find him anywhere. The others are on the look out..." Kai grasped my arm in a tight grip, her nails digging into my flesh. "And just where do you think your going?"

"I'm going to find him." I shook her off, finding my balance less then satisfactory, so I leaned on the bedpost. I glanced around, looks like I was back at the compound.

"And do what? Charge in and give those creeps what they wanted? If Draco was here he'd smack you upside the head and call you stupid." Kai shoved me back onto the bed and moved to the door. "You are going to stay right there until those drugs were off. Then we will think of something to do."

"But Kai!" I scrambled from the entangled blankets. My limbs still mostly numb and not working right as I tried for the door. I fell onto the floor with a loud thud. Kai winced, but keep right on out, locking the door behind her. I couldn't even think of a curse as I sat in a pile on the floor, staring at the door.

It was like someone had raped me and left me for dead. I had lost something I had grown so used to. Draco was like my air, my shield, I felt so open. I looked up at the ceiling, then stood. I wasn't going to let them do this to me. Draco was one of us, not some stranger, and I wasn't going to let them keep him.

I paced, trying to get my blood flowing faster. My fingers clenched and unclenched as I moved. I had to think, had to plan. He was alive, out there someone, having god knows what done to him...

I shivered, moving to the window. The sun was setting again, and I found myself wondering how long I had been out. The sky was almost an angry red, the orb of the sun peeking just from between the mountains. I sighed softly, resting my forehead against the glass.

Fighting wouldn't help him. Kai was right, I couldn't just charge in there like I was now. My gaze drifted over the stone. It would of seemed out of place, our castle, nestled half way in, half way out of a mountain. But lately, stranger things had happened.

My breath fogged up the windowpane. Odd, this wasn't exactly like the castles in Scotland. In fact, with actual window panes, electricity and running water, it was more like a hotel. I shifted, running my fingers through the mist. I scribbled his name. My writing still looked like chicken scratches.

I was just a child. A child with a very old soul. I shifted, looking into my room, back to the outside world. Some good it did me, he was gone, right from under my fingers. Who would be next? The children? Kai or any of the others? I closed my eyes, drawing a shaky breath. I had to do something...But what?

I couldn't stop the fist that slamed into the wall. It hurt the pain spread over my now red and torn knuckles. I rested my forehead againest the glass, hands falling to my sides. Sometimes, sometimes I wished people would understand me, my reasons...

"That of course is impossible..." The voice finshed my train of thought. I glanced over my shoulder. Bouncing up and down on the bed was a small boy about 7. He had shoulder length brown curls, bright bluegray eyes and a sad little smile. "You don't let us in.."

I dropped to my knees and opened my arms. The small boy dived off the bed and into them, buring his face in my shoulder. "Teddy..." I whispered brushing my lips across his forehead. His tears turned to sobs as I held him close, rocking him gently.

"I let you in darling." I whispered, brushing my fingers on his back, turning from speaking to soft coos and murmurs. As his sobs slowly faded more joined, this time from a small girl with two blond pigtails, and the same bluegray eyes of Teddy. She clung to my side, whimpering and crying. "Annabelle.. you must not cry... He wouldn't want you to be sad..." I made room, as only a mother could, to inculde her.

"But Mummy, Daddy might not come back..." She sniffed, two large tears rolling their way down her slightly puffy red cheeks. "Unkwe Calhound said Dat they didn't know how dey took hem, or whys." She sniffed again, rubbing her nose with her sleeve, resting her cheek againest the opposite shoulder.

"He also said that Mommy would be furious and that she would return him." Teddy nodded. He was firm on his beleif that I could make it all better. Annabelle seemed to buy into it, cuz she started nodding and tugging on my sleeve.

"Mommy, Mommy. You will bring Daddy home, won't you?" Her wide blue gray eyes echoed family heritage, heritage that brought power. I shivered, wrapping my arms around them tighter.

"I will try my darlings... But your daddy is a very very powerful man, I'm sure he will get out on his own, then scowled us for thinking he wouldn't come back.."

"yeah! He'd say we were being Foolish!" Teddy bounded out of my arms, mock stabbing air with his fists. "Then he'd say...." Teddy planted his feet and crossed his arms over his chest. "Now Caro," He tried not to laugh, but the smile on his face was enough. He sounded exactly like his father. "I don't want you to be doing this to my children."

I slapped my free hand over my mouth to stop the laughter. He had said that quite a few times, in the last year. Annabelle stood up and moved over to Teddy's side. "But Draco! I told you, it was just for the childrens sake..." She planted her small hands on her hips n glowered at him.

I couldn't control the laughter. Watching my babies pretend to be their Da and I. It was just to cute! I laughed until my sides were sore. The children grinned at each other and contuined their heroworship. It was a rare day when children thought their parents were like superheros...


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