Fallen Walls

Chapter 1

The world spun in gentle curves. My head echoed the world, those swirls with their own chaotic whirling.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up quick. "Please say no one saw that..."  I ran my tongue quickly over my lips,

glancing around,only to find a pair of green eyes seeking my own. I yelped and scooted backwards.

"She's alive..." Chuckled the owner of the green eyes. "Welcome back." Long burgundy locks tangled in his eyes as he


My still hurting mind identified the face quick enough. "Damnit Scholar Boy..." I shoved my palms on the topsoil, causing small

dust clouds to hover up. "You know I hate it when you boys

mother me." I smiled slightly though, it was nice to be loved. I put the

scowl right back on my face, scrunching up mynose. "Get back to Work!"

I glared over his shoulder at the other trainees.

I scrambled, not at all gracefully, to my feet. "Where's the rest?

I thought you guys were scouting out the cliffs." I brushed my hands down

the black body suit I trained in, sending the red dust scattering back to

the floor. My feet, I dully noted, were as blood red as the sand that they

'danced' in.

"On their way to the showers." He shrugged. "Thought you would like to know we

found some more...." I was out of the room like a shot, moving with ease through the

crowded cave halls. "People...." He finished with his deep baritone, shaking his hair and

following, at a much safer pace.

I slid into the doorway of the meeting hall. Just as Scholar Boy, er Luke, had said,

people ranging from near hundred, to just infancy, were finding positions in the halls

and dorms. I let my golden hazel eyes take in every face. I let out the pent up breathe, he

wasn't here either. I looked over my shoulder at Luke. "He's not here..."

Luke just shook his head and nudged me back out, it won't do any good standing

around when I had to debrief the others. I padded, less ethusasticly down the hall.

Murmurs of various conversations drifted from one side of the hall to another. I was glad

we had discovered the old hideaways in the mountains before the Heavens fell, literally,

into our laps.

Had it really been only 2 weeks since the magic barriers broke. When demons,

angels and the like had come in, each fighting for control. The humans caught in the

deadlock between the two... Surprisingly, Our group of late teenagers, I was only 21,

were in command of this facility. I trailed my finger down a wall, it shimmered with

unnatural light. There was that to...

I wasn't completely...well Normal. I could use the same magic the people

invading used. In Fact, I could use it like it was my fingers, wielding a spoon. I scowled,

looking over my shoulder, there were unfortunate side effects, however. Luke, was one of

the lucky ones, he got away with just having wings. Well, six of them, long, white and

feathered. I shook my head, I didn't know what my 'thing' would be. I didn't want to know.

I pressed my hand to the rock, some doorways were sealed unless you were a

mage. The rock slid apart from the wall, opening into a well lit locker room. "WOMAN in

the outfit!" Luke screamed over my shoulder. I grimaced, right in my ear too damnit.

A man, tall and thin, very tanned, and well muscled, stepped into the main area,

dressed only in a towel. His hair was a mass of brown curls, his eyes, one blue one

green, he always lost his contacts. "Scott." I smiled a bit. "See anything of importance?"

I leaned up against a locker as Luke started for the showers.

Scott, who should have been leader, shook his head and started yanking on the

normal uniform for us. Black slacks, open black button down shirt, and combat boots.

"Nothing but the people you saw in the hall. Everything is getting bleaker, almost got

taken by two patrols, both sides." He brushed his hand though his hair, all the boys knew

my eyes were for one man, and they were just my brothers.

"Any sign of..." I searched his face as he shook his head.

"Rob's gone too." He stretched his fingers into his belt loops. "I don't know where

they could be.... We've gotten most people from the Valley out. Those who are still..." He

trailed off. Only because my cursing, was making his face turn into a thunder cloud.

"Will you stop that? Before I rip your head off your shoulders?"

I bit back the next string. He meant it too. "Sorry." I bit my lower lip and crossed

my arms on my waist. "We'll have to start sending out patrols farther." I closed my eyes,

he was gone, there was no away after 2 weeks he could be alive with no word. "I'll be in

my Office." I turned and left, before Scott, who knew me as much as my soul mate did,

could say a word.

I half closed my eyes, walking without much thought. Noise crept out of the Dorm

rooms, The Elderly would be given jobs to do within the complex, if they could do

anything. The teens would be put to patrols, the children watched by the elderly. Adults,

did we even get people over 25 anymore? Would be put to tasks suiting their ability.

"Blah" I slammed my fist into a wall, willing the door to my office open.

He would have liked it in here, black leather chairs and couches, salvaged from

some of the houses in the area, dotted the walls. Leaving open the fireplace and the

desk. Yeah, he was always a sucker for leather... "Damnit." I used his favorite curse and

fell into a chair. I willed the tears off my face, it would do no good to cry.

'Lady' I jumped at the soft voice. An Old man, his beard almost touching his

knees, stepped into the light. You could see through his figure, and yet he was there,

plain as day. 'There are survivors coming from the North, a caravan, from Washington.' I

sat up, arching a brow.

"Washington?" I blinked and shook my head, impossible... "Duncan, go tell Scott

and Luke to get two parties of men, to escort those people in here." I moved to the door

of my office. "And Duncan..." The old man smiled softly. "Never mind ya ole foggie... Move

it!" I smiled and moved past the door, if they were alive, they would know I was. "Yes." I

screamed, jumping in the air as I ran down the hall to assemble some decent quarters.

Chapter 2

Heidi moved beside her sister, really her bestfriend, Jewls and her son Damon.

Heidi smiled and ruffled Damon's hair, smiling up at Jewls. "We will have company soon.

Just like you said, they are here." Heidi had blond hair, to her shoulders, and deep hazel

eyes. Jewls had her hair dyed black, close cut to her skull. She was a very dangerous

woman, and it showed in the way she walked.

"Aren't I always right?" She smiled at Heidi. "Is CJ with them?"

"Her guardian says so..." Heidi smiled brighter as she spotted the first group of

men. "Wahoo!" She jumped up and down, waving her arms at the group, who were

just as happy to see them. It meant people besides them were still alive in the world.

Jewls smiled and shook her head at her sisters antics.

"So after the bonds broke, we gathered who we could and left." Heidi was sitting

on one of the couches, Jewls had Damon in her lap. "We were two out of four who kept

their powers under enough control we didn't go nuts." Heidi tugged on her skirt, she had

changed into a clean uniform, if somewhat large. "You wouldn't believe how many

people went nuts, blew up their houses..."

"I went through the same thing down here..." I smiled weakly and shook my head,

chestnut locks falling into my eyes. I had taken a shower and left my hair down to dry,

instead of leaving it up in the normal bun. "I still haven't been able to access my powers.

Luke thinks something's draining them as fast as they replenish." I motioned to

scholar boy, who was perched on an arm chair. "And we are still missing a few of our

'group'. Some of whom, as you know, have to make the same type of journey you did,

across states."

"Some will stay as well, like the other two mages up in Seattle." Jewls brushed

her fingers down Damon's' hair. "The question is what do we do? We can't stay in these

mountains forever..." Jewls shifted slightly under Damon's weight, she had chosen to

wear the pants instead of the skirt, and her shirt was tucked in so she could move easier.

"I don't know ... we are still waiting for the last numbers to arrive, then we must

go plant our people on either side." I looked over my shoulder at my desk. The only

things I dared keep for sentimental value, a beat up teddy bear and a silver picture

frame with my bestfriend and little brother in the picture. "I don't want to give up hope

the lost..."

"You are in charge here." Jewls shifted Damon to the couch, standing, and

walking over to place her hands on my shoulders. "We all lost loved ones, but we got to

fight to keep the ones we got Alive. The first thing we must do is make sure this place

can run like it is now, the second, find out where your magic is wandering away to."

Jewls smiled softly, kissing my forehead.

"Your right..." I looked over at the few 'commanding' staff. Luke was perched on

the edge of the couch near Heidi. Scott was looking formable in the chair, his hawk

features closed with inward thinking. Damon was looking bored near Heidi, and of

course, Jewls and myself were near my desk. "All right. Scott, you go look over the

trainees. Luke, you go round up what you can about supplies and clothing. Heidi, find

out what people we got who can use and control magic. Jewls, you find out what we can

do for the kids and transportation." I stood up and motioned to the door, smiling at their

stunned faces. "Well, I didn't mean tomorrow! MOVE people!"

Jewls smiled, grabbed Damon and trotted down to the dorm rooms. Heidi was

right on her heels, talking to Luke, who jogged at her side. Scott stood up slowly and

looked at me. "Your giving up on finding them?" His tenor was soft, but distaste hung on

every note.

"I will never give up finding them. But you know as well as I, the odds of finding

them and or surviving are both very slim. Work with me, Scott, please." I motioned to the

door. "We both have jobs to do..."

"And what, may I ask, are you going to do?" Scott didn't move from his spot,

shoulders and chin held with stubborn pride. "Sit on your ass and wait for your 'magic' to

come back? I suggest praying..."

"I plan on looking one last time for our friends. Now get going." I walked to the

door and held it open as he strutted out, he knew he had said just the right things.


"Yep..." And he was gone, whistling down the hall.

"I hate friends who have known ya since you were a kid..." I smiled after him and

went to see what dirt I could scoop up.

Chapter 3

"You gotta be kidding..." I shook my head as I looked into the bowl of water.

"I never kid..." The face in the bowl was of a clean cut man about my own age, he

was wearing sunglasses and a black leather jacket. "I swear, they are picking up girls

*and* guys our age. Both sides, they are looking for somebody..."

"Sean, you and Eva get here as soon as fucken possible. I'd hate to have to save

your ass..." I grinned as a hand yanked Sean out of the way and glared into the bowl.

Bright brown eyes sparkled with mock fury, black lips curled into a cruel smirk. "Erk..

hi Eva.." I said as meekly as possible.

"Don't Hi Eva me..." She grinned. "We'll be there as soon as I figure out how to

make his car run without keys..." Sean yelped a curse in the background. His car was

almost as precious as Eva. "You take care Sis... We'll grab Karlacakes n Mandies." She

waved her hand before the bowl. "And Don't give me none of that Thank you crap. We're

in this together." Her hand spashed down into the bowl, shattering the contection.

I chuckled and sat back, so far, we were only missing a few people, which was

more lucky then I had dared to hope. The missing list was getting shorter and shorter. I

snagged out a pad of paper and a ball point pen. "Lets see.." I mumbled around the pen.

"James, Ken, Cheryl, Justin, Robert, Mike, Ryan, and Joanna." I shook my head, still to

many missing, not to metion my brother Danny and various family members like Scott's

little brother Robbie. "Damnit.." I scribbled their names down to, so many missing...

I looked up as my door rumbled with a knock. "Yeah?" I set down the pad and

stood up, pressing the button to let whoever was trying to enter, enter. I smiled as Jewls

stepped in with the ever cheerful Heidi. "Whats up?"

"Trouble." Jewls muttered under her breath, clasping her hands close to her

chest then spreeding her fingers. A glowing blue, swirled purple, ball appeared in her

hands. In the ball was the image of a set of armed men, one of whom was an obvious

mage, his figure was masked in shadow and sparkles of orange. "Hell." Jewls cursed as

the ball impolded. "Happened last time to. That guy knows he's bein' watched."

"Shit.." I shook my head and moved from behind my desk. "lets find out what he

wants eh?" I grabbed my leather jacket off the wall, it was a bit small in the hips, but it

was the senimental value of why I wore it that made me keep it. It had been the one

person I would always love... I broke of that thought, business first, worry later. "Lets


"Hey...' Heidi grabbed my arm. "I don't think you should go out there..." She

looked into my eyes. "I mean, you are important to us, all the prophets say so... what if

that guy pulls something? I mean Your not exactly up to par right now..." I scowled, she

was right, and I hated it...

"Yeah..." Jewls pressed her gloved fingers to my arm. "Let us handle it, you

watch from the doorway." I scowled more at her, she even had kid, and she should be

hangin' behind too. DAMNIT. I nodded once my consent as they broke out into relived

smiles. "Glad we didn't have to tie you down..."

I just smiled more and motioned for the doorway. I trailed the two as we walked

down the halls. Gathering an almost occult following as we moved to the main doors,

leading to our sanquary. Jewls and Heidi moved out with Scott and Luke flanking them

just a few steps behind. I hung back, true to my word, so to speak, and watched.

And I almost bit out my own tongue. "Justin..." I mouthed to myself, shaking my

head. I crept forward, my figure, not noticable in the gathering all trying to push to see

out. I moved sliently through the foothills. Jewls stood out, leaning back on her heels,

arms folded on her chest, nodding once and a while to Justin's words. I shook my head,

damnit, he was supposed to be on my side. Our side... Humanity... Fuck...

"We want to congradulate your Leader... Who is He?" Justin's words rang out

againest the hills. Power in every sylable. His hair, such a fine black, was now white,

almost blue, his robes were flame shot. His very stance echoed massive power.

"She is not coming out of our Haven." Heidi smiled sweetly, she had no idea who

he was. "But I'm sure we could handle anything you would want to say..."

"A name then?" Justin was at total peace, just standing there with a blank look

on his almost albaster skin. "I am merely an ambassater for the Celestrals..."

"Celestrals? You mean the people who barged in?" Scott's voice was soft,

emotionless almost. I shook my head, none of them knew who he was, not even Luke,

and he had atleast heard his voice. I gripped tighter onto my perch, straining to hear

Justin's soft reply.

"Her name is Caro." I muttered a curse, I knew that voice... I looked upon my own

fears. A woman dressed in a lock black cloak stepped to Justin's side. Suzi.... "She's up

in the hills." I didn't bother to hide, I stood up and jumped the few feet to the ground

below. "Hello Daughter."

"Hello Suzi, Justin." I nodded my head ever so slightly. They had changed, Suzi

was thinner now, almost skelatin thin, blond hair falling to mid back, loose and curlly. I

hadn't seen her since her wedding to Ben... Her eyes were blue, and could see now,

without glasses, at least she didn't wear any. "It is good to see both of you..." I let my

voice drip with unvoiced humor.

Justin just blinked in surprise, I didn't think he expected me to be leading this

ragtag bunch of people. "I beleive you wanted to speak with me?" I slid my hands

behind my back and looked at the two of them. I had been hoping Suzi would of shown

up like Heidi or Eva...

"We would like to offer a place with the Celestrals for the People's protection..."

Justin finally got past his startled first take upon the woman who he had 'loved'. I

suppose I was just not what he expected, I had long hair, stubburn slightly chubby face,

and figure, dressed in a black body suit, black pleated skirt and button down shirt.

Nope, deffently not what he thought I'd be like. "We've been looking for you..." He took a

step forward, right into the edge of a glowing sword. Jewls smiled and shook her head a


"I would like to thank you for the offer, however... I am perfectly alright were I am

currently stationed." I stepped backwards, more closer to my band then theirs. The

Cheers from the outpost roared past the hills. Justin's men looked wearily at him. "And, I

would like to thank you for looking for me, but as you see, I'm well and with friends."

Suzi stepped forward, to be stopped by the same sword point. Jewls didn't trust

them either. "Please Caro... Everyone should be together... Like in Clans..." She refered

to the story I had created as a game and then later as a book. "Our leader wants to see

you very badly..."

I shook my head, planting my feet and laying my fingers around my waist.

Motioning the others back toward the base. Jewls, then Heidi and the rest, slowly moved

backwards, the crowd slienced. "I will Stay Here. With My Family." I looked into Justins

eyes. "We are netural until you attacked us. Remember that." I took a step backwards.

Bright colored lights flashed and blinded me momentarly. "Fuck.." I whispered,

looking up into the face that I had always known would be.

Chapter 4

Mike stood there, offering a tender smile, his hair was longer, curler.. And He had

angel wings too. "You okay?" He looked over at Justin and Suzi, who were cursing,

hissing and throwing spells at his sheilds. "Who the hell are they?"

"The other side?" I smiled and shook my head. "Angel? Really now Mike.." I

shoved him out of the way of a fireball. I looked at my smothering Jacket and threw it off.

"THATS IT." I screamed, raising my fist to the sky. Lighting Cracked through the clouds.

All three sides stepped a good pace back away from me. "My World. My Rules." I hissed

out, ooo I was pissed.. First my soulmate vanishes. And Now two sides, who've smacked

MY people into a crossfire, and taken some to become their avatars... "That's Enough." I

stepped closer to Justin and Suzi.

"You tell those assholes who took your wills away, that I'm not letting go of MINE

anytime soon. And You tell them I want you two back here with the rest of OUR kind, in

Five days or I will send them out packing." Suzi and Justin started sputtering how they

were their own people still. I shook my head and glared. "You fucken Heard me. Now

Get." They scattered like leaves on the wind.

I turned on my heel, looking daggers into Mike. "You heard what I said. You go to

'God' Or Whoever the hell else thinks he can control and step on us like we were nothing.

You go tell him to get OFF his royal ass and Give me back my Friends and Family. You

Fucken Hear me?" I sent a lighting bolt at his feet. He took the hint and flew off into the


You could of heard the crickets, if there had been any, in the silence that

followed. I took a deep breath to try and calm down. I had lost my temper again. "I hope

no one saw that..." I whispered through parched lips. I winced and looked up. They had,

the whole fucken Colony had. I straightened, I had just chosen a Side, and I don't think

anyone was happy with it. And, to top it off, I felt horrible, my stomach was about to drop to the ground and stay there.

The clapping started, slowly at first, then it became a roar. Stomping feet,

clapping hands, yells of various things. I blinked as Luke moved forward, smiling.

"Come on Leader... Looks like you just won yourself an army, and a battle." I looked up

at him and sighed, great.. just what I wanted to do with my life...

"The prohpets were right.." Whispers followed me back to my office, the crowd

parting, litterally, to either side was we walked through. "Will she really fight for us and

not take us over like the others?" I closed my eyes, I could already feel the tear trickling

down my cheek. I didn't want this responsibility.

"Cheer up..." Jewls whispered in my ear. "You have us, and with all luck we will

get the rest back." I opened my eyes and nodded. She pressed the door open and I

moved in. She smiled and bowed halfway before moving down the hall, shouting orders

at people to move, the show was over.

"Yeah... I have you...and luck..." I looked at the picture and shook my head. "But I

don't have the rest." I flopped down in my chair and let out the pent up tears.



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